NHCFBC has been in operation since the year 2009, actively fulfilling its mandate to provide help and assistance to people in need, on a global basis. NHCF has raised donations in support of victims of flood disaster in Pakistan, drought in Horn of Africa, typhoon in the Philippines. In 2015, NHCF raised funds for Earthquake Victims in Nepal. The foundation has also raised funds for the benefit of 2016 Fort McMurry Wildfire Victims in Alberta, Canada. Some of these raised funds were channeled through OXFAM and through Canadian Red Cross Society, while NHCF members have also personally provided relief support to victims of Nepal Earthquake.
- 2010 -2017 Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, Vancouver
NHCF launched its first brunch program in collaboration with Kiwassa Neighbourhood House in May 2010, as part of its objective to alleviate poverty. By December 2016, about Five Thousand meals had already been served.
This was a monthly support program where NCHF volunteers, in partnership with Kiwassa Neighbourhood Community Center, provided free meals to the local people at Hastings and Nanaimo Street at East Vancouver.
- May 2015 Nepal Earthquake Victim Immediate Support
On April 25, 2015, an earthquake struck in Nepal with a magnitude of 7.8, followed by several strong aftershocks. The main epicentre of the disastrous earthquake was in Gorkha District. The quakes killed more than 9,000 people, and left many homeless and in desperate need of shelter, medical help and food. NHCF was actively involved in raising funds to support for those victims in need. We received cooperation from many volunteers for our efforts. We also received generous support from many local, national and international individuals and organizations. With the raised funds, we were able to provided immediate relief support such as tents, blankets, food and medical supplies to earthquake victims in various parts of Nepal.
Then President Parashar Malla, Secretary Raju Ranjit and many other committed volunteers travelled to Nepal and distributed items worth of about CAD $14,000 in the following areas:
1. Mirkot & Dhuwakot VDC, Gorkha – 100 tents – cost NRs.76K
(61 families from Mirkot VDC and 64 families from Dhuwakot VDC, additional 25 tents were purchased and provided by local volunteer Narayan Adhikari).
2. Kavrepalnchowk – Hokse and Siranchaour village- costs NRs. 136K
(103 tents and 58 blankets)
3. Chepag village near Gajuri, Chitwan- costs NRs. 28K
4. Aginchok VDC, Dhading – costs NRs. 275K
5. Anniakot VDC, Kavre – costs NRs. 240K
6. Godamchaour, Lalitpur – costs NRs. 95K
7. Khokna/Luvu, Lalitpur – costs NRs. 68K
8. Borle, Sindhupalchok – costs NRs. 52K
9. Mirkot VDC, Gorkha – costs NRs. 38K
(75 mosquito nets)
Transportation/Logistics – provided by the local volunteers. Estimated currency based on average exchange rate at the time and rounded at nearest thousand NRs.
- Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction
NHCF has worked with various individuals and organizations in Nepal for cooperation to help in rebuilding earthquake destroyed infrastructure. Please click on this special page that we have created to provide information about each project in greater detail Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction
- August 2016 Fort McMurray Fire
Supported Fort McMurray Fire Victims in Alberta – $1,500.
- April 2017 Vaishaki Parade, Surrey
Largest Sikh community parade in North America, participated by more than 400,000 people. We served drinking water to thousands of parade participants.
- April 2017 NightShift Ministry, Surrey
NHCF has started monthly evening meals program in collaboration with NightShift Ministry in Whalley, Surrey; feeding the homeless people in the Whally neighbourhood. Monthly evening meals have continuously been hosted and we serve about 100-150 hot meals each month.
- September 2017 Nagar-Kirtan, Abbotsford
Abbotsford Nagar-Kirtan is one of the largest annual parades in Abbotsford, where thousands of people from the Sikh community come together to celebrate their heritage. We served drinking water to thousands of participants that day.
- November 2017 NHCF first gala fundraiser dinner program, Surrey BC
In this program we showcased traditional songs and dances performed by talented local artists. Thank you to our numerous sponsors for making it a grand success!
- February 2018 Early Childhood Development Centre
Since its inception, NHCF had been exploring possibility of charitable activities in Nepal. This came to fruition in 2013 with CRA approval to partner with Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) located in Kathmandu, and led by CNN Hero Pushpa Basnet. Since 2005 ECDC had been providing support to the children of incarcerated parents.

The children under ECDC’s care receive regular medical checkup, vaccinations, and are enrolled in a local school. Please visit ECDC Nepal to learn more. Funds raised by NHCF and other individuals were remitted to ECDC for procurement of educational materials to the needy students.
- September 2019 Jhigu Paala Society of BC
Project started at November 2018. NHCF has supported to low Income people in Kathmandu valley for income generation program of earthquake affected people partnership with Jhigu Paala Society of BC.
- December 2020 Donation to Surrey Food Bank
NHCF, in partnership with CAN Education Foundation (http://caneducation.org) took initiative to collect non-perishable food items for Surrey Food Bank this holiday season. Along with the collected items, NHCF was able to purchase $289.24 worth of additional food supplies from our funds. Our director Harihar Bhandari and Mrs. Samjhana Lama from CAN Education Foundation purchased the food stuff and handed them over to the staff of Surrey Food Bank main branch at Newton. We would like to thank the CAN Education Foundation for sharing this support initiative and making it happen jointly.
We wish everyone Season’s Greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Let us all be safe during these difficult times.
- May 2021 Relief for Covid-19 crisis in Nepal
In the year 2021, NHCF coordinated with multiple organizations to provide many different kinds of support in Nepal. Please visit our Covid-19 Special Page for full details.

- Nepal Student Scholarship Program
In the year 2022, NHCF provided educational packages to almost 100 children whose guardians have very limited financial means. This is an ongoing program, and NHCF is working towards expanding this program to additional schools in the coming years. In order to utilize our support funds in most appropriate manner, NHCF continues to review our scholarship selection criteria, as well as specifics about material support (such as carry bags, notebooks, lunch boxes, pencils, erasers, etc) provided to the schools. NHCF has been in close contact with administrators of all schools to discuss which items are most useful for the students and to provide items that are appropriate for the students’ grade-levels. Please visit our Scholarship Program special Page for additional details about this ongoing program.

- November 2023 Immediate Relief Support To West Nepal Earthquake Victims
In early November, several powerful earthquakes struck Nepal’s western districts, killing more than 150 people and injuring close to 400. More than 250,000 people were left in need of humanitarian assistance. In the most affected area, Jajarkot, more than half of the buildings were damaged by the earthquakes.

Various organizations among the Nepalese community in BC came together during this critical time, to work towards providing immediate relief support to the earthquake victims. BC’s largest Nepali community organization NCSBC (Nepal Cultural Society of BC) provided leadership and coordination to fellow organizations in collecting funds and identifying suitable partner organization in Nepal for cooperation.
NHCF was a contributing member of this consortium along with other esteemed organizations
HBFC (Hindu Buddhist Foundation of Canada),
NCWSBC (Nepali Canadian Women’s Society of BC), and
CANFACS (Canada-Nepal Friendship and Cultural Society).
NHCF sincerely appreciates this opportunity to work together with the community organizations and individuals.
The consortium worked together and identified an equally trustworthy and efficient local organization in Nepal to partner with, so that relief support to the earthquake victims could be provided in most timely fashion. HENN (Help Nepal Network, Nepal) is the Nepal headquarters of a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to provide assistance to people in Nepal in many different ways.
NHCF and the consortium organizations are truly thankful to HENN for partnering with us and helping us fulfill our mission to provide immediate relief support to the earthquake victims in Jajarkot and nearby districts in Western Nepal.

Click image to view the actual spreadsheet.
- November 2023 Fundraisers At Surrey Temples
NHCF organized several campaigns to raise funds for additional support for West Nepal earthquake victims. Volunteers setup donation stations in following Gurdwaras in Surrey and Abbotsford, BC.
Gurdwara Sahib Dashesh Darbar, Surrey
Gurdwara Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Sikh Society, Abbosford
Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford
Kalgidhar Gurdwara, Abbotsford
Gurdwara patrons, Gurdwara administrations, as well as many well wishers helped raise total collection amount from this campaign to CA$ 6,687.51
- September 2024 Adopt-a-Street