Questions and Answers about NHCF

  1. What is NHCF?

NHCF stands for Nepali Heritage Charity Foundation of BC. NHCF is a charitable organization registered under BC Society Act (registration # S55947) and registered (#83334 9491 RR0001) with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) under Income Tax Act.


  1. What is the purpose of establishing this Foundation?

The main purpose of NHCF is to undertake charitable activities as defined under Canadian Laws. While we provided a list of activities that NHCF would like to pursue, CRA has advised us to focus only on poverty relief and assisting new immigrants for now. However, CRA could consent to NHCF pursuing other charitable activities once it has adequate resources and devised satisfactory control mechanism to administer the funds. NHCF can also raise funds and channel the funds through other prominent charitable organization in helping victims of natural disasters.


  1. Where and why did the idea of charitable society emerge?

Since its inception, Nepal Cultural Society of BC (NCSBC) has persistently desired to be registered as a charitable organization as reflected in several formal and informal discussions and gatherings in the past. To fulfill this widespread desire among our community members, NCSBC formally applied to be registered as a charitable organization to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 2000.  Unfortunately this application was declined because NCSBC did not pass CRA’s test for a charitable organization. Thus, due to this non-charitable status, although NCSBC has been involved in various charitable fund raising, it has so far been unable to issue tax receipts. Recognizing that the charitable status and the issuance of tax receipts are vital to attract more donations, NCSBC decided at its AGM a few years ago to establish a separate entity that would qualify for registration as charity under Canadian Income Tax Act.


  1. How was the registration process accomplished?

NCSBC initiated the process by forming an ad-hoc committee comprising three NCSBC directors (President, Vice President and Secretary) and four other members from our community. The initial draft constitution and bylaws were reviewed and finalized by Extraordinary AGM of NCSBC prior to submitting it with an application for registration to CRA. After a number of consultation with CRA and among the ad-hoc committee members, the name of the society as well as the constitution and bylaws were finalized that met the CRA requirements. CRA asked that the society be first registered under BC Society Act, which was accomplished in November 2009. Following the registration under BC Society Act, CRA followed up and accepted NHCF’s application through its letter dated December 14, 2009.


  1. What happened next?

Once registration process completed in 2009, NHCF become an independent charity organization and also changed its by-laws (removed NCSBC related clauses) with recommendation from NCSBC.


  1. Would NHCF accountable to NCSBC members and the Nepali community as a whole?

NHCF is only accountable to CRA and donors.


  1. How will NHCF raise funds

As a registered charity, NHCF is not a member funded society. We also do not expect membership fees to be sufficient for any major projects. Therefore, NHCF plans to devise many different creative fund raising ideas, including capital campaigns independently. In 2015, NHCF raised funds independently with the help of Media Wave Communication – Radio AM 1600 for the victims of Nepal earthquake.


  1. Will NHCF be able to issue Tax receipts?

Yes, NHCF will be able to issue tax receipts on the both the donations.


  1. Will NHCF need many members?

Again, as a registered charity, NHCF is not a member funded society. We may not need many members however we appreciate continuous help and supports from people of various communities.


  1. Where do we find NHCF income and expenses details?

Please visit our Financial Reports page.